well... not my blog... that's here ! but hello, i'm Aya! i think it's pretty neat you're here
i'm not really around much.. so i dont have friends of my own, so its nice that i can have people know me!
i love soft things, i was around a night before making this page and found a game called my fluffy life. it's nice, maybe i can try to penpal with you? i need to find my friend code..
otherwise hum, i like feeling safe. i like some spooky things, but only when i feel safe enough. that's pretty rare!
the most recent horror I remember is mad father from when that came out, but as of february 2022 i've been watching an anime called School-Live! its already one of my favorites.. oh, mad father is also how i picked my name.
nice meeting you !
i'm sorry this isnt playable in this tab !
we couldn't figure out how to do that..
sweetside suicide - ano
arikui waltz - coltemรถnikha
paxton - mind tree
imaginary end - loin
gomen gomen - 100kaiOuto
sunshine is breif - kikuo ft. si_ku