numer one miku
i dont really know why but just hearing her makes me happy :) po pi po affected us so greatly we started drinking v8, and adding leek to morning omelets. her minecraft diamond color is also very good ♥
kirby !!
i love kirby. so soft. roung. round. i loved kirbys epic yarn, but didn't get to finish it before we lost our wii. the next game i liked was dream land because of the art style! but then our switch broke so we didn't finish that either. and actually, marx is as much of a favorite as kirb ! we have a plushie of marx.
i havent -played- any pokemon since sun cus that was peak poke for us ! i love girafarig and all the guys here ! i think pokemon merch is very cute.. like the coloring books and kids books are very good. pokemon cafe app was fun for while too. sometimes i watch the anime but either the first season or sun and moon season. the only other one is the one with momo in it !! momo reminds me of me :) but i wouldnt go to a scary place like she did
petz dogz wii !!
yes !! this was the first game we ever ever finished ! and not ONLY that but more than once !! thats only happened maybe. once !
the clothes.. so good ! catching bugs? yes! and fish !
i dont remember much else about it .. but it still is very very good! i wish i had catz because i never saw the kitties! wii had.. best games !
ooohh these guys..! theyre so cute n collectable! finding all the little guys is hard but fun.. and i realllly miss the old tamagotchi websites they had!! someday i will get the newest one so i can use the new stuff theyve made C: i had all the ones up until uhmm v.6! well except for the rare rare japanese versions. i want a reboot of the bug, ocean and angelgotchi!
i also loved tamagotchi party on game ! i only ever played it singleplayer but it still so cute n fun! the mobile app is very soft ..